Filipina women make great wives. If you’re looking for an Asian wife then the Philippines is a good place to look for a wife. Filipinas are mostly Catholic, so they treat marriage much more seriously than many Thai or Chinese women do. In Thailand or China divorce is routine so women don’t always take as much care choosing a partner as they would in the Philippines.
Unfortunately Filipina dating scams are very common. Standards of living in the Philippines are very low, and much lower than a lot of neighboring Asian countries. Consequently scamming Western men on dating sites is a lucrative industry.
The Philippines is a poor country and has a reputation for relationship fraud. Of course there are plenty of good, beautiful and honest women seeking marriage with foreigners. There is also an active population of scammers, fraud schemes and old fashioned gold diggers. Some women seek financial gain and lifestyle upgrades, an escape from poverty. Others are actually seeking a loving relationship, marriage and something new and exciting. How to tell this difference is the key question.
If she asks for money, put the brakes on. Beware of family or medical "emergencies" where the woman needs cash and financial support fast. Know that sending money via Western Union is likely lost in the event that she's a scammer. Understand that the scammers are professional criminals and are very difficult to distinguish between an honest and trustworthy woman.
Educated yourself by reading about scam and fraud methods. Knowing about the different scams will help you recognize any foul play. The schemes and fraud efforts vary in strategy, but all have one thing in common, money. Money is usually requested in the form of advance fee fraud, where the criminal needs help with school, medical, rent, family, visa, etc. You can read more about the fraud types at Wikipedia's site for relationship fraud and advance fee fraud. This is a major step in prevention.
Once you understand the fraud types and warnings signs, consider a trip to the Philippines. Get to know her and her country. See for yourself who you're dealing with. This is a key step in not only preventing fraud, but also in establishing a meaningful relationship. Take time to get to know her. A Philippine woman in a hurry to marry is a major red flag.
Lastly, if all checks out, get a professional background check by a firm with a local presence in Manila and Cebu. Wymoo offers confidential investigations and has years of experience dealing with potential brides and relationships in the Philippines.
Best of luck, and do your homework!
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